Tito Ciccarese
A truly eclectic flautist, over the course of his career Tito Ciccarese has cemented himself as a skilful chamber music performer, following the invaluable guidance of his mentor Guido Corti. Born in the Italian town of Cesena, Ciccarese began his studies with Professor Giovanni Gatti at his hometown’s conservatory, eventually graduating under Professor Maurizia Maraldi. He then went on to perfect his skills with top-tier flautists such as William Bennett, Auréle Nicolét, Patrick Gallois, and Jànos Bàlint. He has since founded many chamber ensembles, together with which he has performed most of the major compositions written for his musical instrument. His artistic endeavours have not been limited to what had already been seen or heard before – his innovative spirit has constantly urged him to explore original repertoires and experiment with singular instrumental line-ups, as he has demonstrated during more than 950 concerts performed in over 30 years. His inventiveness has also led him to initiate fruitful collaborations with living composers who have produced original pieces specifically written for Ciccarese and perfomed for the first time by him: Mario Pagotto, Marco Betta, Teresa Procaccini, Massimo Di Gesu, Alessandro Spazzoli, Paolo Pessina, Aurelio Scotto, Fabrizio Festa, and Stefano Nanni. Equally appreciated as a solo artist, over the course of his career he has been awarded a number of national and international accolades, and has performed alongside renowned musicians such as Claudio Marcotulli, Guido Corti, Alessio Allegrini, Jànos Balint, Mikhail Pethukov, Dimitri Ashkenazy, Cesare Chiacchiaretta, Scilla Cristiano, Mario Marzi, and Bruno Canino.
He has performed at major music institutes and events in Italy (Gioventù Musicale Italiana, A.GI.MUS., Ente Filarmonico per il Mezzogiorno, Tecne Italiana Musica, Associazione Mozart Italia, Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, Società Filarmonica di Trento, A.M.A. Calabria, Associazione Amici della Musica ‘Manfroce’ in Palmi, Società Buzzolla in Adria, Assocazione Amici del Loggione of Milan’s Teatro alla Scala, Circolo Musicale Sondrio, Camerata Musicale Sulmonese, Villa Carlotta in Tremezzo, Matera, Ravello, Ischia, Capri, Amalfi, Siracusa, Concerti dell’Ateneo in Messina, Avellino, Florence, Turin, Sala Piatti in Bergamo, Siena, Pistoia, Grosseto, Macerata, Palazzo Campana in Osimo, Ravenna, Ferrara, Teatro Cinghio in Parma, Chiesa di Vivaldi in Venice, Perugia, the courtyard of the Capitoline Museums in Piazza del Campidoglio and the Sala Paolina of Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome, Naples, Estate Teatrale Veronese, Rassegna Malipiero Asolo Musica, I Suoni del Tempo in Cesena, Petilia Festival in Pitigliano, Primavera Musicale Volterrana, Benevento Classica, Cilento in Musica, Velia Festival, Piemonte Musica, Festival di Bellagio e del Lago di Como, Todi Festival, Cagliari, Festival di Musica da Camera in Iglesias, Concerti d’Altamarca at the Associazione Quadrivium Conegliano, Contrada Larga in Trento, the Area Sismica and the Sadurano Serenade festivals in Forlì, Lecce, Brindisi Classica - Associazione Nino Rota, Festival Chitarristico Internazionale dello Ionio in Taranto, Alpen Classica Festival in Brixen, Alpi Sonanti in Sondrio, Mezzano Romantica), as well as in Austria (Salzburg), Switzerland, Germany (Nordhorn Guitar Festival), England, France, Spain (Villa Navas de San Juan International Festival in Madrid), the Balearic Islands (Festival de Palma de Mallorca), Portugal (Palacio Real de Lisboa and University of Coimbra), Sweden (Vivaldi Festival), Norway, Denmark, Finland (where Ciccarese became the first Italian musician to perform north of the Finnish Arctic Circle), Romania (Sala Enescu in Bucarest and Settimana Internazionale della Musica Italiana in Craiova), Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland (Szymanowski Music Days in Krakow), Russia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Kosovo (ReMusica Festival), Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
Warmly acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, in recent years he has laid out and accomplished even more ambitious achievements: after his appearance at the Carnegie Hall in New York City in 2012, he gave a solo performance at the Kursk Festival, accompanied by the Russian Chamber Orchestra, and executed the entire unabridged version of the Musical Offering by J. S. Bach alongside some of Russia’s top-tier musicians in the White Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow.
However, Ciccarese’s career has not been limited to classical music – in recent years, as part of the ‘Rock in Frac’ ensemble, he has presented a repertoire inspired by the Italian progressive rock scene (New Trolls’ Concerti Grossi and Premiata Forneria Marconi’s musical, Dracula). As part of his parallel career as a music teacher, Ciccarese has run courses, musical workshops, and acclaimed masterclasses in Italy, Mexico, and the Balkans. In the coming years, he will be performing at a number of concerts in several countries: Ireland, Greece, Thailand, Korea, Finland, Chile, and Peru