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1. All competitions must be entered online at


2. Entry fees must accompany completed entry forms. Entry fees will not be refunded unless competition is cancelled.


3. The applications will be open on Monday 10 February and the closing date for entries is Monday 10 March 2025. 


5. Ages of competitors shall be reckoned as that which they attain on 1st January 2025. For example, if the competitor turned 10 after the 1st of January 2023, he can still enter under 10 Category. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the competitor is entered into the correct age-group.


6. For all Solo competitions participants are asked to perform one piece or one movement of work. For Repertoire competition please prepare a balanced variety of music pieces not exceeding the time limits for each age category (please see competition categories for more details). A participant should not repeat the same pieces for Solo and Repertoire competitions. 


7. Where there is a large entry for a given class, the competition will be divided into reasonable sizes.


8. Copies of music to be performed must be provided for the adjudicator.


9. The adjudicator’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into, under any circumstances.


10.  Prize winners will be invited to perform at the Prizewinners Concerts, where the special Prizes will be awarded.


11.  All competition rounds are open for the public.


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