Castleknock Music Competition Winners 2023
and Brass
The John Gibson Cup and a cash prize
of 100 euro to the overall winner in Piano. Dylan Keane
EMS Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Wind and Brass Sophia Di Giansante
Castleknock Music Festival Strings
Competition Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Strings. Anna Varga
Castleknock Music Festival Vocal
Competition Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Vocal. Eva Kavanagh
The Stanislav Cup to the best Guitar
performance throughout the competitions. Emily Han
Rachmaninov 150 Award and a cash prize
of 50 euro for the best performance of a work by
Sergey Rachmaninov throughout the competition. Aidan Keane
Pianoforte Prizewinners 2022
Solo Under 18​
2nd Túathfhlaith Flynn-Connolly
VHC Meadhbh Nolan
C Róisín Tully
Adult Solo
1st Brendan Kennedy
2nd Olga Nasonova
Piano Duet Under 12
1st Rebecca Yu/Dylan Keane
2nd Quintus Lin/Arabella Lin
VHC Anna Toolan/Grace Wu
Piano Duet Under 14
1st Zoe Yu/Aidan Keane
Piano Duet Repertoire Under 18
1st Rebecca Yu/Dylan Keane
Junior Repertoire Under 12
1st Dylan Keane
2nd Rian Ni
2nd Jane Sun
HC Ling-Chao Ruckenbrod
Junior Repertoire Under 18
1st Aidan Keane
2nd Alex Platsas
Repertoire Under 18
1st Brendan Kennedy
The John Gibson Cup and a cash prize
of 100 euro to the overall winner in Piano. Dylan Keane
EMS Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Wind and Brass Sophia Di Giansante
Castleknock Music Festival Strings
Competition Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Strings. Anna Varga
Castleknock Music Festival Vocal
Competition Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Vocal. Eva Kavanagh
The Stanislav Cup to the best Guitar
performance throughout the competitions. Emily Han
Rachmaninov 150 Award and a cash prize
of 50 euro for the best performance of a work by
Sergey Rachmaninov throughout the competition. Aidan Keane
Pianoforte Prizewinners 2023
Solo Under 8
1st Abhishek Jino
2nd Jane Luo
C Lucy Shi
C Yi-Chen Abigail Lin
Solo Under 10
1st Rebecca Yu
2nd Jane Sun
2nd Rachel Feng
VHC Arabella Lin
HC Emily Xinning Zhao
HC Ying-Chen Patricia Lin
C Kaylee Li
C Gabrielle Oprisan
C Doireann Hardimann
C Francesca Cheuk Ka Chu
Solo Under 12
1st Dylan Keane
2nd Quintus Lin
VHC Michael Lai
Solo Under 14
1st Holly Yu
2nd Alex Platsas
VHC Filips Subins
C Lana Mc Dermott
C Eimear O'Donnell
Solo Under 16
1st Zoe Yu
1st Marianna Butler
2nd Charlotte Kane
VHC Yichen Yao
VHC Freeman Yat Chu
HC John Ding
HC Sean McHugh
C Joshua John Annakkodi
C Jimmy Mi
C Anna O'Connor
C Ava Dong
Woodwind and Brass Prizewinners 2023
Solo Under 8
1st Rowan O'Loughlin
Solo Under 10
1st Squire Dempsey
Solo Under 12
1st Archie Dempsey
Solo Under 14
1st David Li
2nd David Hammon
Solo Under 16
1st Zoe Yu
Solo Under 18​
2nd Túathfhlaith Flynn-Connolly
VHC Meadhbh Nolan
C Róisín Tully
Strings Prizewinners 2023
Solo Under 8
1st Maxime Donovan
Solo Under 10
1st Lily Lin
2nd Sarah Nabli
Solo Under 12
1st Yuchen Zheng
2nd Beth Keatinge
VHC Sarola Darcy
HC Sophie Mitchell Mulholland
Solo Under 14
1st Anita Han
1st Ruyi Zhuang
2nd Ailbhe O Loughlin
VHC Yinhe Dou
HC Zhihang Lli
Solo Under 16
1st Kerryn Wang
2nd Emily Han
2nd Kate Howley
Solo Under 18​
1st Anna Varga
2nd Sofia Hillebrenner
Vocal Prizewinners 2023
Solo Under 10
1st Jenny Han
2nd Maggie Li
Solo Under 12
Sophie Mitchell Mulholland
Vyga Nair
Solo Under 14
1st Kerrie Mitchell Mulholland
Solo Under 16 Contemporary
Jennifer Savan
Tara Larkin
Aoife Mancho
Solo Adult Contemporary​
1st Rachael Conaghan
2nd Maria Nasypanaya
The John Gibson Cup and a cash prize
of 100 euro to the overall winner in Piano. Dylan Keane
EMS Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Wind and Brass Sophia Di Giansante
Castleknock Music Festival Strings
Competition Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Strings. Anna Varga
Castleknock Music Festival Vocal
Competition Cup and a cash prize of 100 euro
to the overall winner in Vocal. Eva Kavanagh
The Stanislav Cup to the best Guitar
performance throughout the competitions. Emily Han
Rachmaninov 150 Award and a cash prize
of 50 euro for the best performance of a work by
Sergey Rachmaninov throughout the competition. Aidan Kea
Solo Adult Classical​
1st Eva Kavanagh
1st Rachael Conaghan
2nd Bernadette Royo
2nd Abbey McGriff
VHC Saraah Primicheru
VHC Emma Egan
HC Gemma Phelan
Adult Repertoire
1st Abbey McGriff
2nd Bernadette Royo
VHC Rachael Conaghan
HC Gemma Phelan