The festival features competitions in the following categories:
1. Debut Performance* (Piano)
2. Solo Piano Under 8
3. Solo Piano Under 10
4. Solo Piano Under 12
5. Solo Piano Under 14
6. Solo Piano Under 16
7. Solo Piano Under 18
8. Adult Solo Piano (no age limit)
9. Piano Duet Under 12 (one piece)
10. Piano Duet Under 16 (one piece)
11. Piano Duet Repertoire Under 18*
12. Junior Piano Repertoire Under 12*
13. Junior Piano Repertoire Under 18*
14. Senior Piano Repertoire (no age limit)*
All strings competitions are open to violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar and harp.
15. Debut Performance* (Strings)
16. Strings Under 8
17. Strings Under 10
18. Strings Under 12
19. Strings Under 14
20. Strings Under 16
21. Strings Under 18
22. Adult Solo Strings (no age limit)
Open to all wind & brass instruments including recorder.
23. Debut Performance* (Wind and Brass)
24. Wind and Brass Under 8
25. Wind and Brass Under 10
26. Wind and Brass Under 12
27. Wind and Brass Under 14
28. Wind and Brass Under 16
29. Wind and Brass Under 18
30. Adult Solo Wind and Brass (no age limit)
31. Debut Performance* (Vocal)
32. Vocal Under 8
33. Vocal Under 10
34. Vocal Under 12
35. Vocal Under 14
36. Vocal Under 16 Classical
37. Vocal Under 16 Contemporary
38. Vocal Under 18 Classical
39. Vocal Under 18 Contemporary
40. Adult Solo Vocal Classical (no age limit)
41. Adult Solo Vocal Contemporary (no age limit)*
42. Junior Vocal Repertoire under 12*
43. Junior Vocal Repertoire under 18 Classical
44. Junior Vocal Repertoire under 18 Contemporary*
45. Adult Vocal Repertoire Classical (no age limit)*
46. Adult Vocal Repertoire Contemporary (no age limit)*
47. Junior Instrumental Repertoire under 12*
48. Junior Instrumental Repertoire under 18*
49. Adult Instrumental Repertoire (no age limit)*
50. Chamber Music – Emerging Artists (up to Grade 5, no age limit)
51. Chamber Music - Advanced Artists (above Grade 5, no age limit)
* Debut Performance Category is specially designed for beginners who have been learning music for less than a year and are gearing up for their very first public performance.
* For all solo categories, performers should present one piece of own choice
* Junior Piano Repertoire Under 12: Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 10 minutes maximum.
* Junior Piano Repertoire Under 18: Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 15 minutes maximum.
* Senior Piano Repertoire (no age limit): Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 20 minutes maximum.
* Junior Vocal Repertoire Under 12: Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 6 minutes maximum.
* Junior Vocal Repertoire Under 18: Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 8 minutes maximum.
* Adult Vocal Repertoire (no age limit): Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 10 minutes maximum.
* Junior Instrumental Repertoire Under 12: Open to all Strings and Wind and Brass instruments. Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 10 minutes maximum.
* Junior Instrumental Repertoire Under 18: Open to all Strings and Wind and Brass instruments. Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 15 minutes maximum.
* Adult Instrumental Repertoire (no age limit): Open to all Strings and Wind and Brass instruments. Competitors to perform a contrasting programme of own choice not exceeding 20 minutes maximum.